Dear Angkor Gold Investors and Friends, I wanted to share with you this very interesting article from our media partner INN that explains the many benefits of having a strategic development partner, using Angkor as an example of how to do things right. "Strategic Development Partners Are Reshaping the Resource Landscape - June 11, 2018" As you know, Angkor has entered into several exploration earn-in agreements to fund and develop several of our licenses. These include working with JOGMEC (Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation - a USD $10+ billion company) on our Oyadao South license, and Australian-listed company Emerald Resources, which is advancing its nearby Okvau gold deposit towards production and is working with us on our Koan Nheak license. As you'll read in the short article, having world-class strategic partners like JOGMEC and Emerald has many benefits, not the least of which is funding exploration and preserving shareholder capital. As always, don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. Best regards, Stephen Burega, CEO Angkor Gold |