RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Wow...such a big gap up on legalization news.FireBozoExecs wrote: "Percentage is how much value the company is increasing by and also the return on your investment."
Uh...when a stock loses more than 125% of its value in less than 6 months its ridiculous reading comments out here talking about a 5% gain today. What really counts is how much money you've made when you calculate what you paid for the stock versus what its trading at now. Whether you look at dollars/cents or percentages doesn't mean a damn thing but how much money you actually made, which is tangible.
People have lost their shirts here and that's the only thing that stands out in this debacle.
Ok so why are you still here? everyone is aware this is the stock market and there is risk !! Sell and move on if your not happy !! need to go on and on and on how bad company is etc etc....