RE:Speaking of Shoppers You're out to lunch, and it's not even noon yet. I'm calling your boss.
MickFlairDrip wrote: So much talk about shoppers in this room. Yet no one ever touches on the real. Given today’s current long outrage at the score 44-12 longs like me are scratching their heads. But I can’t say I’m totally surprised. Think of it like this. CGC and the others big boys are moving up up and away. No one can deny that. Not even mick. Aph is not. The reason is one that’s never touched on da board. Let mick spell it out for you. C45 is for rec. I have a BOMBshell for ya’s. Aph is not a Rec brand. Period. And before someone inserts deir foot in deir mouf and says derrrrrr but what about Solei I’ll save you the embarrassment. Solei is nothing more than wasted marketing dollars. $$$$ toilet. Circling da bowl. Aph has no rec brand CGC purchased bedrocan and others, adding their strains. Aph tried to put 800 million into perceived “supply chain” in Europe that has not materialized into anything in 5 months. Broken Coast was a smart buy for 250, but is it snuff???? No. Why? You’ve got a ceo on record stating that a THC cap of 12% is standard by “most” doctors. What??????? This guy doesn’t like the idea of people “getting high”. Well, rec users may not like that. And you’re wondering why the stock is doing nary a thing at rec time ????? LOLZZZzzzz. People. When cannabis is branded cgc will be the Coca Cola of pot. Aurora will be Pepsi, unless it goes bankrupt first. Aph will achieve its dream and Vision of being the LIFE brand of pot in all the shoppers drug Mart. Serviceable, yet imitation to a degree. Now. Let mick tell you there is nothing wrong with that. The margins and fundys will be there and the company will be profitable. So for da love of GAWD please stop wondering and at least a pay a cunny hair of attentions in what once invested in. Rec is not the finish line for aph. It is in 2021 when this reaches full potential. Then all us long n strongs will really get our friction on.
Sir Micksalot