RE:Fully Diluted Share CountCurrent profit margins are 30% for Aphria. In 2019, Aphria expects profit margins to increase with streamline operations to 42% profit margin. Simply put, every gram Aphria sells they make a profit of 2.86$ per gram in pocket. This is assuming average sale price of 6.82 per gram in store. I Know i low balled the price per gram, but im basing it on Oregons supplu and demand projections. Simply put, 2.86$ x .70 % (projected sale of product @ 70% production) x 175 million grams produced = 351 million in pocket (pure profit baby!) divided by shares (225 million with dilution) = eps 1.56 per share x 48 X projected multiple = 74.88 per share.
2019 you will likely see 74.88 $ per share.
You're gonna see analysts start increasing price projections on Aphria. Which is already at 20 low 25 med and $27 per share high.