Finally some media coverage Not a paid post or some C rate publication this time, it's CBC
Oh wait, its negative coverage exposing Delta 9's poor business decisions of focusing on hemraging money operating clinics at a heavy loss and still price gouging patients.
"Arbuthnot said his company has lost hundreds of thousands of dollars since it opened its clinic last fall and uses the fees to cover overhead costs."
On top of that as usual the kid (CEO of a 120m company) is pictured working on operations in a tshirt and backwards hat. In one of the pics he looks stoned af.
This is the face of our company, John Arbuthnot. Although as CEO he is solely responsible for all the activities that goes on within his organization this is the show of our PR/communications/ blunders is to be blamed on our communications director Gary Symons. He is supposed to be the adult in the room to advise the kid against shi.t like this, that's literally his only job.