Electricity to four MILLION homes from 1 reactorTHAT is the power of nuclear energy. Taishan 1 was connected to the grid today and will supply electricity to over 4 million Chinese households without a single lump of coal being burnt. So if you think nuclear is dead and Uranium is a bad investment...carry on your merry misguided and ill informed way. There are another five more of these giant plants being built. Taishan 2, Flamanville in France. Olkulito in Finland and two at Hickley Point C in the UK with more to come. Ask yourself where the fuel for all these plants and al;l the others being built is going to come from?.
NUCLEAR POWER is the way to improve the standard of living of the vast majority of the worlds inhabitants without destroying the environment. We need another 1000 plants like this...not thousands more or millions more windmills.