RE:Clay Not Is Not Commercially Viable. Yet!TheBoss81.. You will note that they say NOT YET
My research tells me that all previous attemps where done at much lower prices and most were done with HECTORITE..
Our clay/mud is not Hectorite.. because it is leachable... Hectorite was much the same composition but baked at higher temperatures much like a ceramic.
If you had studied the past Nevada Geologist Reports on this property(s) .... they all called it Hectorite, for the most... but there was one report that was done and in mentioned the claystone appeared to be leaching.. That Geologist was correct and the others were wrong by calling it Hectorite.
Cypress and their staff have proved this is definitely leachable and independant labs have also confirmed it as well..... So... I see that in the report you posted...the author did not anywhere say it could not be commercially produced but so far... those that have tried up to now have not been too succesfull.. ( a little note here..those firms mostly had Hectorite deposits )
I suggest at the prices that we now see.. Cypress is not the only firm going to produce Lithium Carbonate with new technologies of today.
You might also have noticed that Cypress in their presentation has a slide showing their open pit area where they plan to start their production from , is in the area of the higher grades.
A few more drill holes in that area will add to our 6 and a half million tonnes of Lithium Carbonate.
I also suggest the at todays prices along with the newest technologies,, that this will be profitable and expect Dr Bill Willowby to continue down the road to profability.