RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Les affaires; on THPrEP seems to completely dominate the conversations around HIV atm. In fact it surprises me just how 'forgotten' the MDR issue seems to be. Relatively speaking it gets very little coverage at conferences, in HIV/AIDS publications, amoung activists, etc. Its either PrEP or some 'identity' based issue around dis-advantaged or minority communities that seems to dominate.
There's certainly some work to be done to focus peoples attention it seems.
bfw wrote: At first I thought your number sounded much too high. I still think it is a bit high.
The reality is it all depends on when we see the true ramp up in scripts.
Management has guided somewhat that 6 months after approval, the drug should reach reimbursement status for most patients.
So, I still think we see the ramp up in scripts later in the Fall. I hope TH hosts some dinners with KOLs experienced with Trogarzo use to reassure a larger audience of physicians. The IDSA meeting is October 3-7 in SF. That would be a good time to organize such an event.
To clarify, are you expecting exit 2019 prescriptions for Trogarzo at approximately 2000 patients in the US?
palinc2000 wrote: To be clearer my own projection would be close to 200 million Cad dollars Trogarzo sales in FY 2019
excluding Europe