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Satellos Bioscience Inc Com V.ICO

Primary Symbol: ICOTF

iCo Therapeutics Inc is a Canada based biotechnology company. It is involved in the Research and development of ophthalmic indications. The company identifies, develops, and commercialize drug candidates with clinical history, and re-doses, reformulates and develops these drug candidates to treat sight and life-threatening diseases. Its in-licensed assets are iCo-008 and the Oral AmpB Delivery System. iCo-008 is a human monoclonal antibody targeting eotaxin-1 that acts as a messenger between...

GREY:ICOTF - Post by User

Comment by MikeTheFolder!on Jul 13, 2018 3:44pm
Post# 28314357

RE:RE:RE:Mike just got back from lunch and ...

RE:RE:RE:Mike just got back from lunch and ...Hello Mr. DrHoliday , its Mike. I thank for your insights, and I will do what I cna, currently at my work and currently sitting at an office, so I will be able to provide the insight a little later on. One of my co workers came to my office saying, that he got 10,000 shares filled, he needs 15,000 more shares to be fully filled !!  the other 2 got filled at 0.235 !!  Great times ahead for us !
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