Latest tweet from Henri - Thus REINFORCING my point.
fortnite world cup could look alot like FIFA... I don't think you guys realize how many viewers are watching these games being streamed in twitch. That's why Amazon bought twitch a few years ago, they thought ahead.. are You? I'm convinced that once the word is out that you are able to wager and discuss earn points argue the fortnite viewers and any esport game for the matter the viewers are huge! Pop a 30 second fandom ad in the middle of a e sports tournament with 500,000 viewers... ?????????? What's going to happen?!? Esports is VIRAL. The app won't even need to work that hard to gain users in my opinion once there is a working platform that users can bet on esports it's game on... the users will flood in and I hope the backend can support it... oh wait IBM ledger to handle 100k transactions a SECOND.....