BIGG.CSE - The most undervalued blockchain play. With 26M shares escrowed, and 26M shares at $0.75 private placement by instiutions. We have over 50% of the float untradeable. Meaning the float size is VERY VERY small especially at this price level.
Based on SEDAR, they have a burn rate of 2M-.2.5M/Quarter. They have 18M Cash as of March 30 which means we are currently sitting at around 15-16M cash. Market cap of 16M. I.e. TRADING AT CASH VALUE!!
We have government contracts, directors with U.S. Homelands securities & just signed with one of Canada's largest crypto exchanges - revenues are coming in now.
Lastly if you check the trades in the last month - the majority of selling is done by Instinet which is an algo that buys/sells based on strength. Retail is getting scared and panick selling to add to the volume. However .15 is the definite bottom as you can see huge bids from ANON there and it would bring us below CASH value.
IMHO our fair value is .40-45 cents based on the risk and speculation but right now these prices are a gift at all time lows due to the summer lows/cryptos/panic. ANY contract or more good news will bring us to .30s immeadiately as the asks are very thin aside from bots. I've seen Instinet trade and if there is strength and buying they will join the buy side and shove the price up.
Long post but just sharing my opinion and GTLA. I have 200k shares at .18 and am looking to at least double of these shares in the next couple months.