Massive Insider Selling FridayI am a huge B2 fan, but now this is actually troubling. I will write to IR tomorrow morning to find out.
Clive Johnson sold 150,000 shares at $ 3.27 on July 13th??
Thomas Garagan sold 60,000 over 3 transactions as well.
That's very big insider selling especially if Clive is selling at the most recent 6 month lows and after such a great quarterly report. WHY??
Plus wouldn't they be in lock up period until the earnings come out in early August? Very strange that he'd be able to sell between release of production results and earnings coming out in 3 weeks.
B2's upper management talks about wanting to promote to the bigger funds in New York - no one will bite and up their institutional stakes if they see the CEO selling 150,000 shares after such a great report.
I will inquire.