While we wait, let's review Insider Trading PenaltiesLet's review, and let's not kid ourselves.
Trading on non-public confidential information can and does get people up to ten years in jail. There are additional civil liabilities. It is nothing to joke about. We all need to be informed.
NUG's management, Directors, Officers, or employees trade are not trading on non-public drill results. Pretty sure they and their lawyers know the law and that James was previously a registered representative. If anyone has information to the contrary, I urge them to make specifics public. There are ways to be compensated if you sold shares.
How do they deal with it? I'm not sure, but they likely have the drill cores sealed and perhaps not assayed until this financing closes. It is possible that that they are assayed, with instructions to embargo (hold) the results confidentially until this financing is closed. Assayers keeping drill results confidential is an essential and routine part of their busines.
That said, I am not so naive as to think someone's cousin doesn't occasionally get a tip.
The Criminal Code also includes insider trading provisions. (18) Under section 382.1, insider trading carries a penalty of up to 10 years’ imprisonment. Tipping may be punished by up to five years’ imprisonment. Note, however, that the definitions of insider, insider trading and tipping are slightly different in the criminal context than they are in the civil context.