ES/KL Shares/Warrants/OptionsES Shares:
Per Novo May 2017 NR - ES owns 9,874,115. Since then his ownership has grown as shown of SEDI:
Start 9,874,115
9/11/17 973,800
9/29/17 200,000
10/4/17 34,700
10/17/17 218,700
10/18/17 81,300
10/27/17 50,000
11/6/17 50,000
11/8/17 50,000
11/9/17 250,000
3/7/18 1,666,667 Exercise of Warrants
6/6/18 47,900
6/7/18 52,100
6/8/18 69,300
6/11/18 198,500
6/12/18 232,200
6/14/18 61,900
7/11/18 9,200
7/13/18 1 ,176,471 Exercise of Warrants
7/16/18 28,900
Total 15,107,053 Currently Owns 15/160 9.4%
ES Warrants:
May 2017 9,874,115
8/15/17 2,772,000 ES must of had an option deal with Newmont/or ? to buy these
warrants at $2.20. Novo SP was $5.80 at date of exercise.
3/7/18 -1,666,667
7/13/18 -1,176,471
Total Remaining 9,802,977
ES Options: 400,000
KL Shares:
March Presentation KL owns 16.53% of 154,000,000 shares outstanding or 25,456,200 shares
3/1/18 25,456,200
June 2018 4,000,000
Total shares 29,456,200 29.5/160 = 18.4% current ownership
KL Warrants 14,000,000
Assuming all warrants and options are exercised by ES/KL then on a fully diluted basis they would own:
ES 25.3/202 = 12.5%
KL 43.5/202 = 21.5%
Total 34.0%
SEDI directly links KL and ES. If KL bids for Novo, then both would be excluded from voting. If another major made a bid then only ES would be excluded as part of management. Still, KL would be the 500 lb gorilla in the vote. ES has shown only unqualified confidence in Novo over the past years. Gives you a warm fuzzy feeling if you own the stock.