Interesting tidbit...I figured I would mosey on in to TDs research section of their website and see what they have to say about NSU...surprise surprise there’s nothing recent there. Although they have usually have kept up to date. Seems like they have nothing to say since Lundin got involved.
If if someone else could check it out as well. Maybe I’m missing something.
Not that I ever use Thomson Reuters or Morningstar but I figure I’d check them out. Both of them released stuff within the past 2 days on Nevsun and no mention whatsoever about Lundin’s interest in Timok/NSU. They show up in TD Research on NSU...utter garbage.
If if I can give some of you a to about checking your respective brokers to see if any recent research on NSU. Chances are TD is representing one of the parties involved or possibly to be involved in the possible buyout.