EO Is Melting Down Now!
The Increasingly Pathetic
Saga of EO
Desperate man, desperate actions, bad end.
Phony transparency, invited but unanswered questions, handsome salary with bennies for himself and lap dog MV for years without apparent corresponding benefit to shareholders, bank accounts unauthorized by BOD, big bucks directed to said bank accounts, dilution as far as the eye can see, no apparent material progress for years but pay cheques kept flowing anyway to him and mutt, layers of lawyers to prove a point he cannot make, blame attributed to everyone but himself, no support from Mr. Sprott or any other obvious significant player, reduction in share price since he started his shenanigans, attempt to sow fear among shareholders using statements by gold stock analyst to intimidate and maneuver them into voting "yellow,"
high phone, postage and internet utilization
- and exactly to what effect?
It's all over, son, you can go home now.
Stop harassing individual shareholders through private e-mails, foolish phone calls, assorted board shills, etc. We know your game.
And stop maligning Alexandria's Board of Directors.
You are NOT going to change any minds or hearts around
these parts although our pocketbooks have
been made lighter by your shenanigans.
Leave the hard work to the men and shareholders of Alexandria Minerals
because you have proven it was work you could not honestly do.
And did I mention, it's all over, son, you can go home now?
You are way past irritating.