RE:Exploration update at AkieNeed help understanding the significance of the following.Maybe someone with a geological background could provide an interpretation.
Drill hole 144 (the deeper hole) intersected sphalerite-bearing veins within both the Road River Silurian Siltstone and underlying Kwadacha Limestone. Mineralisation and veining was logged from 173.50 to 216.90 meters downhole. The veining is concentrated locally with abundant coarse grained sphalerite with a total aggregate length of just over 4 metres. There is also scattered sphalerite present throughout the limestone from 200 to 216 metres within fractures and stringers.
DDH A-18-145
Hole 145 (the shallow hole) intersected sphalerite-bearing veins primarily within siltstones that are spread out across an interval from 148.13 to 175.57 metres with more localized concentrations of sphalerite-bearing veins. The total aggregate of well-mineralized vein material would be in the order of 4 metres.
The mineralization observed in the two holes from the Sitka showing differs from the SEDEX style laminated, stratabound mineralization known from the Cardiac Creek deposit. The mineralization intersected at Sitka appears to be vein-related and the veins host abundant coarse-grained red/tan/brown sphalerite. At this time there is no conclusive identification of the Sitka barite-sphalerite-galena vein/structure seen at surface, however the holes did encounter mineralisation to a depth of 100 metres below surface which remains open for future drilling. Samples have been cut and shipped to the lab for assay. Results are expected in several weeks.