RE:Usual cast of characters here ...Very true. Do your own due diligence and avoid people that post ignorant, homophobic remarks. Clearly those that attack a persons character when they have no idea who they are, what they stand for, what their preferences are or what their social status is are jumping to many conclusions. Never jump to conclusions, put the work in and do proper research on a company and the sector.
Search for more postings on twitter by searching for $fat
TFSAfunds wrote: have been pretty darn quiet the last few days. Must be on holidays or something because nobody ever trades or looks at stocks during the summer doldrums ... right? I wonder how they're enjoying the taste of crow? How many here loaded up on this stock during its descent based on what a few of these characters were spewing? DD is soooo critical and don't ever think reading a bullboard or twitter is actually doing it!