RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:throwing out #'sExactly and there haven't been but one to date. Does that mean I sold my shares ? NO. But I do ask the questions and the key one is why only one if this is such great game changing tech ? The story that bureaucracy affects the process works to SOME degree but since the one hospital got theirs approved should mean others are just as keen....yet here we sit. Do I want this to work ? Of course but I know that there are many instances of great tech or products NOT getting to market bc producing and selling are different skills and often the inventor misses the boat on the marketing side.....Just evaluating the position and in this area ONE has to do that with great regularity. You Name calling people for doing it though is rather petty. I don't ASSUME anything especially that the Market has inside info. What the market does have is ONE mere sale after all the build up that the product would fly once approvals were done. And the statement that a CEO says a stock is undervalued or sales are just around the corner are as valid as toilet paper. Often the worst judge of a company's value is the ceo or management. So yes _ I Agreee that sales is the only way this stock goes up. Hope they get here soon while there is a market to sell never sits still.