Great Report!Excellon put together an optimization plan three years ago and effectively worked the plan. AISC is right on track with the original plan,$9.75, and production increases are very impressive. Exploration is being conducted based on solid research rather than just throwing money at drilling without regard to maximizing exploration success. This Junior Mining Company is being run better than most large operations and Excellon management deserves kudos. Excellon is now working on enhancing ground support to ramp up where bottlenecks are and take action to eliminate them.
Overall the precious metals market has been effectively manipulated by the Fed and they continue to hold down the price of gold and silver. The last big run for gold and silver was during the 2008 crash. The U.S. Economy currently looks like it is "riding high" but that is just the truth stability in the US economy is fragile and I expect to see us fall into a serious recession by 2020. Two thirds of the US GDP is consumer spending and the US Middle Class has no cash and 40 % of the population is at near poverty levels. As the fragility of the economy becomes evident precious metals will take another serious upward move. Excellon is well positioned to take advantage of these economic trends....patient shareholders will be rewarded big time! My 2cents.