OTCQX:NTTHF - Post by User
Post by
SnowyWindowson Jul 31, 2018 8:18pm
Post# 28395082
Reminder of Neo Lithium's Potential
Reminder of Neo Lithium's PotentialNLC Presentation Slides NLC will begin pilot plant production in the 4th quarter. So inital production is just a few months away.
India looking to aquire lithium Then remember India is on the hunt for lithium. This is perfect timing for NLC's construction, so I believe within 10 months (~June of 2019) NLC will either be aquired or partnered. If anyone has a FOMO (fear of missing out), now might be a good time to buy some shares.
With the PEA only using 17% of the current estimated resource, NLC should be viewed as a near production 10X+ investment opportunity. NLC is extremely de-risked and has multi-billion dollar potential.