Price action and volatility.The best explanation for the price action and volatility is the margin calls. Some brokerage houses have MPVD call at $3.00 a share such as BMO . others such as National Bank who I deal with the call is at $2.00 . So when the stock neared the 3.00 dollar mark and below yesturday some traders got calls from there brokers asking them to cover the shares as they were no longer marginable or they would have to sell them under their feet. The share price dropped on a very thin trading volume when you consider we have 204,000,000 million shares outsanding and no one is selling. This stock is very tightly held and it is going to make it it very difficult for a major trader to try and pick a huge volume without spiking the price. I am thinking that is going to happen very soon when all the positive news start coming out starting next week.