RE:RE:RE:Adding More Shares Question?Thx for the props but I have to be honest here, do not take my advice. I am not a professional in regards to finances. What I am good at is what a teacher said to me one day in High School. He said and ill quote " Mr. >>>>>>> you have an amazing ability to grasp the obvious. "
So threw out my life I always took that as a dig. But for the last twenty years it has helped me tremendously. I am a highly analytical individual, everything that passes threw my head I go threw every possible scenario and outcome.
This has helped me alot in my poker career. I make around 1500 per month playing poker thou that is not my main income. I own a bussiness with 6 employess. What I am getting at is before I bought into PAT I researched about the company and every thing about the people involved. I really could not find any real red flags. I also studied the security market and realized FEAR is a major catalyst.
Then I invested my entire portfolio on PAT. Basically I figured this was an amazing revolutionary technology that is disruptive. So for you yes I bought in at a great entry point .802 cents per share.
So getting back to your post ill leave you with an old Chinese proverb translated into english. The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago then the next best time to plant a tree is tomorrow.
I personally am not selling till we reach 10 plus dollars. If we crash and I lose everything im OK because id rather die on my feet then live on my knees. Even if I lost my entire stock portfolio on one stock it really wont change my life that much.
But if this goes to 10 plus dollars it will significantly change my life. You can look at it this way as well, were still 90 cents off the all time high, so you are still getting good value. Remember 11 million shares were sold at 2 dollars per share.
Do your own Due diligence and make a decision you trust in your mind and your heart. never listen to me or any one else. You have the internet USE it wisely.
Successfactor wrote: Very good point BlameOG . Thinking out loud, perhaps I should not sweat missing out on buying 20 to 30 cents lower and be more concerned about missing the move to the upside in the beginning of the bull run( as you have eloquently stated in prior posts)for this stock. In other words I just need to get in!
No doubt in my mind that the trajectory for this stock is upwards intermediate to long term. Go Pat1! Go!