RE:MacLeod1I'm not sure of this and stand to be corrected:
But it seems to me that MPV and DeBs are not selling the same diamonds, in fact, because of the specials and fancies, they seem to me to be very different. So I'm guessing that you can't expect their sales numbers to compare in any ordered manner.
As far as their costs are concerned, I'm also guessing that one could not expect them to compare well, either. Are they required to use indentical practices for depreciation, for example? Ditto for their shares of the various inventories? DeBes (or MPVD) may want to assign special administrators (watchdogs?) that the other deems unnecessary and won't pay for.
I don't know, but it seems to me that the way I will cost my portion of the mining costs can, and will, be different than the way you will do it for your share, and thus our numbers will not compare.
I may be wrong, but until that is established, I don't think that you could reasonably expect their financials to match.