RE:RE:more on the mumbo jumbo news release'proposals' are not official bids. Unless it is a take over over bid you will not receive an offer to tender your shares - Example the LUNatics made a proposal but did not make an official offer until Aug 7 --
All 4 'proposals' are likely a bit different but likely not significantly -- in any case you will not really know or understand the impact of these 'financing' type proposals that all will likely involve increasing the number of NSU shares outstanding and lowering the share price.
If there is a party willing to make a bid for all the shares they haven't surfaced yet. RIO is a possibilty but who knows - pure speculation to assume its them.
NSU recommends rejecting the LUNatic offer of $4.75 and has sent out the mumbo jumbo news release which actually says a lot and nothing at the same time.
What the NSU BofD does make clear in the news release, and form prior disclosures, is that it is looking for/favours a financing proposal NOT a take-over proposal. In other past posts other BB/BS'ers have made many hs bitter comments why NSU prefers this approach - and its not because it favours the s/h's
NSU will likely lie low until after Nov 9-letting the day traders keep the shares bouncing around in the $4.96-$5 range (importantly -above the LUNatic $4.75 offer). Thereafter, NSU can disclose a financing/dilution/'poison pill' proposal.
The LUNatics could then come back with a lower offer at that point -- who knows -- this whole drama has been goofy from the start - and NSU are just about as goofy in some respects as the LUNatics. The NSU shareholders do not appear a high priority for NSU managment or BoD