Page 6 of the presentation below has the cap table and transaction structure. Here is the math for you.

Click here to view LivWell International Presentation

-  After the transaction TCI/Livwell will have 2.1 billion basic shares
- TCI currently has 96 million shares basic
- $50 million financing at $0.11 per share would account for 450 million new shares.

This mean TCI is issuing 51st 1.6 billion TCI shares.

How is this even legal most would ask. A related party transaction diluting TCI shareholders to less than 5% ownership post RTO.

And tack on another 318 million performance warrants and 31 million options for 51st for good measure bringing TCI shareholder ownership down to under 4%.

How can anyone other than the promoters who own all the 51st shares defend this deal as a good transaction for TCI shareholders? TCI shareholders should be calling the Ontario Securities Commission and reporting this transaction.