Very Crowded Market Seems that Sidoo picked a partner that has some serious "growing" to do! Take a peek at some of the competition in California, & this is just one producer/clinic/dispensary LOI reverse takeover. Take at look at the real revenue this company is generating:
Juva can't (at this stage) hoid a candle to Lineage! Sidoo is so desperate he has lost all reason. Of course not much to chose from when there is only $4 million to offer. Yet with the projected growing facility expansion in Stockton, Juva may rise very fast as a brand name for growing, dispensaries & clinical research.
This could turn out to be a real profit maker in a few years. Yet we EW shareholders must get a minimum of a 5 to 1 split & Newco remains on the TSX as an oil/gas producer.
The ONLY question I have is when will the Proven & 2P proven/probable in Romania unfold w/our EX 2, 3, 7 & 8? That will gather untold investor attention. One must realize that NIS may drill a dry hole just like EW's JV partner > TAG has done in the Taranake Basin in N.Z. We can all exclaim that NIS will go 100% on the four new wells in the works. I truly have my fingers crossed on ALL four wells, but time will tell.
At this point in Romania we have one well drilled (Teremia 1000) with possible commercial status and the two wells per concession must be filled according to contactual timelines: EX 7 & EX 8 must have two wells each by 2018 years end & EX 2 & 3 must have completed their two wells per concession by 2019. So what may seem like a major drilling program is about NIS deadlines running out. This could be the driving force behind NIS's desire to drill baby drill, time is running out unless they are granted an extension.
So if Sidoo doesn't revise the Plan of Arrangement I sure hope the NO votes rule the day. NIS in Romania has a lot of successful drilling to get done & very soon.