TT I don't Think too too many people in the industry looked at the AngloAmerican DeBeers reported numbers for their Canadian operationsin the semiannual or annual reports and then did the math toback out SnapLake and Victor numbers to arrive at a very good estimate of what DeBeers is reporting for GK verses the 49% partner MPVDpublic co.
In my estimation, not the KPMG auditors have looked at this .Not perhaps 1/2 or more of the officers/directors of MPVD have even looked at this. I certainly don't think the audit committee of this BOD has looked at this.
You know, you had the CEO and CFO of MPVD resign in 1H 2017 before they had to certify any financials that reported these numbers, reason being, the revenues and costs of the mine were stillbeing capitalized as pre-production until I think it was the June 2017 Q.
TT, and every other shareholder of MPVD needs to look at this closely, and draw your own conclusions about what is going on.
I am going to pat myself on the back and say that IMO I am the only shareholder who isn't a director or officer of MPVD who has looked at these DeBeers reported sales prices and attempted to do the reconciliation back to MPVD public disclosed accounting.
Nobody has yet said "thank you" Cigar. I have handed you all the greatest gift possible to a higher share price and a potential change of control transaction with this BOD and you don't even realize it yet! Look, I only have to be half way right on these numbers in order for a dramatic reset of MPVD shareholder value higher. UP UP!