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Silk Energy Ltd SLKEF

Silk Energy Limited is a Canada-based resource company. The Company acquires undervalued oil and gas assets in Kazakhstan. The Company, through its subsidiaries, owns a 50% interest in the KMG Ustyurt license (Ustyurt). The Company focuses on exploring and developing Ustyurt, an onshore oil and gas concession comprising approximately 6,500 square kilometers in the Caspian Sea region of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

GREY:SLKEF - Post by User

Post by cueball40on Aug 22, 2018 11:22am
Post# 28499145

looks even uglier today

looks even uglier todaylooks  to me we are  going  lower.. no  volume   just traders wanting holding as i have  no  choice  .. taking it off my watchlist and  will look at  it in a  few  weeks  ...that  stops me from  puking  lol
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