Old PHM v split companiesHere are the reality for the new shares movement;
1.old PHM was planning for revenue of $200M in few years after many acquisitions,that was probably in 2016.The share price hit $2 at the time.
2.New Phm + VMD forecast revenue for 2018. is ~$164M,getting closer to the $200M and so far organically.Doesn't matter at this poit if VMD is the champion,PHM is doing well too.
EBIDTA,FCF and cash on hand are all positive for the cobined companies.PHM is trying to do better and I am sure they'll succeed.
The bottom line is that the sum of PHM + VMD should equal at least $2 now,for the moment it is less then $0.80,so it is a long way to go higher.May be it is VMD that will move much higher or both PHM and VMD.