3 month anniversary craigAlthough we don't have much to celebrate considering we have a value of $38,000 a boe evaluation. lowest in company history. Please be a good friend and REMOVE the "leaders in long term growth" off the website. I clearly doesn't apply to "us" poor saps any longer. Overall, we have much to celebrate, you and the rest of the "team" you know Brad, Ryan, Ken, Derek... The "A" team that keeps drilling at $38,000 a BOE. What a wonderful idea.. Next AGM, I'm definitely paying a visit to see a room full of COMPLETE and UTTER IDIOTS cheering their wonderful return your going to provide them. I wonder if you'll keep your word and keep "hedging" production at $100mil a quarter losses. What a disgrace, MAN!!. At least Alex there at cenovus had the kounies to say they made a mistake and announced they intend on going "Gamble FREE" oil company. Atlas, but to think we can all have our way... the light at the end of the tunnel is but glim. Considering you and your com padres and next to ZILCH in the game.