RE:Better mood nowYes that's the plan Ripbuzzsaw. :)
I walked the talk on Friday adding a large portion of the 100k traded, following up on the buy on Thursday. I didn't expect the moon after GRB issued its new presentation but I'm a bit flabbergasted that the market has had the reaction that its had. (Mind you, it IS the market, lol)
The message is clear, from my view and it does not believe that GRB is for real. It sees Puerto Rico and the conversation stops: hurricanes, corruption, solar panels flying away in the wind, 3,000 deaths, lawsuits and poltics - who can blame peoples' first impressions. Dig deeper and you can see the impetus for a payoff that is multiples more than the entire market cap of the company.
If anyone needs an explanation, they can read back on this thread or ask questions.
GRB is touting numbers that make Real Block look like FANTASY. The company's Real Block is not an exercise in theory. It is a closed BC that is in advanced stages of development and testing and getting audiences w/ the largest title insurance companies in the U.S. And I'm told the reception has been fantastic.... more to come about RB in subsequent posts.