Rushing to MarketI was watching history channel today about Henry Ford, Chrysler, etc. After the war, Chrysler rushed an aerodynamic car to market. It was such a huge hit until the engine started falling out. And it gave GM the opportunity to define Chrysler as unsafe and gave GM a lead, which was trying to get it right. And the lesson coming away was, never bring your product to market until you know it's ready. So even though I want Fineqia to RUSH, I want them to not really cut corners. But, we ace competition. And we need to get to market. MEANWHILE, my company selling a pet rock just came up with a magnificent video with Star Wars type music. If this isn't better than a pet rock, I don't know what is. And I see some agents using bad science on Facebook duplicating the results on their coffee. The placebo effect is powerful proof. Reminds me of the time when I was 8 years old and my neighbor said he could rove the Bible was magical by telling me to put a four-leaf clover in the bible and close it and open it a month later and it would stll be green. And I did, and he was right. Bad layman science. It dawned me on a few years later that I could repeat this experiment on one of my 3 Investigator Books, and I got the same magical properties.