Nothingburger DayToday's trading was a whole lot of noise based on zero action.
5.5 Million shares got moved around the daisy chain that the Buyers and Sellers are. Quite an incestuous group when the Buyers are the same as the Sellers, they just use a different brokerage firm or exchange to masquerade.
We will rise and fall with the MJ tide. The Boyz have the price pretty well-established range for HIP at $.75 to $.80.
HIP.WT.A trades in lockstep with HIP and always at $.50 per unit less. The WT warrants have been fixated around the $.10 mark, and they also move in lockstep with HIP.
Seems to be some worrying about not having a Green day every day! This trend is healthy to consolidate around a given price (ie $.77) for a duration of time till the next leg moves up!
We should be coming back to life shortly! Get ready for the ride!