The media is totally silent on the obvious collusion goingon and piling up going on against THO in a span of a week or so, on THO's mines
in peru and guatemala that is far more than coincidence and not a word is being
mentioned about it.
The only one with immunity that can get away with putting forth advanced word
like this, to get the collusion simultaneous attacks like this on THO's 2 mines in
2 different countries is the UN shhitt disturber. Giving backward peoples powers
they wouldn't otherwise have as zoo people nations within nations, that regular
citizens don't even have.
I thought conquered small people are conquered small people, important only for
representing the true religion of the planet which is wireless psychic mediums. But
after that so backwards they have nothing to do with the modern world and can't
be looked on as traditions to emulate and preserve. And certainly not to block a
nation's sovereignty and civilization's march . They don't advance civilization one
Make indigenous, citizens and part of the modern world and if they don't want it don't
grant them beyond nation powers they don't deserve and aren't entitled to. Except
by an outside agency, the UN, that pretends it represents the people of the world,
rule of law, rights and opportunities for everyone, when they don't come close to that
except in their own deluded minds.