LB FAQS, FUD Buster(Dhorty Chemo) Short Sellers are entitled to their opinion,...
-They are called “short and distort” for a reason
-Most, but maybe not all, are involved in market manipulation
-FUD(fear,uncertainty and doubt) is their weapon, FACTS are their undoing
-They are financially motivated to spread FUD to induce panic selling
-Think and “do your own due diligence” before you sell your shares!
-They are sneaky and deceitful (I know this from experience!)
-Don’t get fooled by Pump & Dump tricks
-Don’t get fooled by Naked short tricks
Nice Read:
-Defend your stock, Play “Whack a Dhortie”
Interested in LB shorts?
LB:(1.77 Mil As of Aug. 16, 2018, Canada)
There is nothing wrong with the business. The shorties are milking the fear. Don’t be fooled. Do your own due diligence
Clouds over LB (past and present)
( LB = Stable + Profit + Growth!)
1) Wrong loan types bundled and sold (Resolved)
Remaining Open Items:
2) dhorties let me know if I am missing anything so we can keep tabs
Dhorties (actors):
1)majortrout (pretends to be long victim, wolf in sheeps clothing)
2)DrSilbergIeit (The Dr of BS )
3)Todayonly (says he is an impartial observer, sure,..)
4)carlocarli (doesn’t seem to know about short selling??)
5)lnsiderTrader(broke and out of shirts)
Monthly Real estate Trends (GTA):
Historical Real Estate Trends(GTA):
Monthly Real estate Trends (GVRD):
Unemployment Rate: Labour force characteristics
GIC rates: RateHub, Best GIC rates
REBGV: Real Estate Board Greater Vancouver
TREB: Toronto Real Estate Board