just read this article https://ottawacitizen.com/news/local-news/demand-for-pot-will-be-much-higher-than-anyone-anticipated-after-legalization-says-report-commissioned-for-health-canada
What i placed in bold is what jumped out to me.... and who is Supreme focusing their retail strategy on??!
"Demand is driven by heavy users, says report
The demand for cannabis after legalization will be higher than widely predicted, but that’s not because more people are smoking pot, says a new report commissioned by Health Canada.
Most of the increased demand is from heavy users, the report by the Marijuana Policy Group found, and the proportion of people who smoke pot daily or almost daily is higher than earlier estimates indicated. Daily users also consume more each time they use than occasional cannabis consumers.
Overall, 17.9 per cent of Canadians over age 18 said they used marijuana at least once in the past year, the report found. That number is in line with other recent surveys conducted by both the Canadian government and private firms, says the report.
However, the number of users who said they consumed daily or almost daily was substantially higher high than in an older Canadian survey, the report said.
The newer survey found that 24.6 per cent of adults who consume cannabis use it daily or almost daily. That is nearly twice as large as the estimate of 14.8 per cent of that category of users contained in the 2012 Canadian Community Health Survey."...