RE:RE:RE:Don't Shoot the Messanger.VOKBLVR -- I agree with your comments,
I would add that IMO the BoD's need to be ensure that they are doing everything possible to protect agains't an established major using the confusion caused by nuisance flees like VIceroy to initiate a hostile takeover,
To maximize the value for shareholders we need to prove the viability of the mine (well underway), determine the overall potential (resource and exploration update) as well as finalize the gov't mill expansion before enough information is released to enable a major to take a run at us.
IMO -- mgmt should release only mandatory disclosure levels of information to either shareholders and the mining community until they have all their "ducks in a row" and then they should release anything and everything possible to publicize PVG and drive the share price prohibitively higher to avoid such a takeover battle.
I am not looking for a 40% premium on a $10 share price but rather a 100% premium on a $20 share price or higher.
It may or may not be possible but it surely won't occur if mgmt gives away too much information too fast...............