White Boy TexSummary for all you pimps and hoes:
Aurora playing catchup...making nice moves. Start to get eyes (last fall).
Choose to go NEW with facilities...says longterm to me.Costs $ short term.
Buys picks and shovels companies. Longterm. Costs money.
Recognizes medical as first necessary step, good day to you, Cannimed. Zettl mentally implodes, stock suffers negative press and ultimate share dilution. Move still screams longterm and smart to White Boy Tex. Pimpin' Ain't Easy.
Buys MedReleaf. Expensive? Costs share price; longterm smart to me. More medical foundation, more name recognition. Pimpin ain't easy.
Marketing: Aurora name out there in bigass billboard ads in TO; funding concerts, teaming up with social jazz I don't give a phuk about...but the name is getting out there. Pimpin ain't easy.
Now 2 smart looking, inexpensive buys in budding international markets. And still no big $ partner from booze, pharma or otherwise. Be cool, suckas. Don't give up that sweet pu$$y too quick!
IF you think the weed industry is legit, this is all alpha-pimp action.
White Boy Tex (former trail boss and cowpoke but have become an urban gangsta as a result of cannabis stock profits).