Want a Good Comparable? Take a look at MGW (Maple Leaf Green World). It’s in a very similar stage – a greenhouse scheduled for completion in Q4, but then it was to be done in Q2, then Q3, is trading at about $0.50 and has about ½ as many shares out. They have missed all targets and couldn’t finish raising $10 million in June. Huge potential for sales to China etc., etc., etc. It will eventually finish the greenhouse, grow and sell its crops, just when????
Now compare that story to RRL. RRL has a far better mgmt. team, proven ability to raise money, competent IR. The list of comparable goes on and on.
MGW is only mentioned because I know lots about it, and really, most public pot companies will never produce a commercial crop. So, if you want to bash a stock, there are lots of weaker companies to choose from.