RE:DUDES! These IDIOT BASHERS...aerialview - (9/18/2018 2:42:39 PM) DUDES! These IDIOT BASHERS... get paid by the number of hits their ( yes, THEIR) posts get. It earns them a commission. Please stop replying the EASY way by clicking are only enabling them.
FRB. Your point of BLIND MINING is done and made well. I am sure there (yes, THERE) will be some drill exploration. However, why drill if the structure can be followed visually through the ground? THEY CAN SEETHE GOLD IN THE WALLS!
Agreed, if it is not continuos, then some explo will be required. But that, I feel, is far off.
I will let Mark Selby answer your question 1:15 mark
We have two kilometer of structure
s where we COULD find.
So tell me do they go up, down, left, right back, forth.
Now if he would have said will find; then no drilling needed. last find was 1.5 years ago and 2 kilometers away.
This is why they need to drill. that way once a zone is identified they can target it specifically and actually make money at this.
Once all the gold is removed from the living room they will not cover the cost of the last 3 years. No worries though. some of this gold and 72% of Dumont will cover the last three years.
Can we really afford another 3 year wait.