RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Canadians have no BALLS!!mlcb2525 wrote: I am not a liberal but neither am I an idiot like those who blindly follow an moron (as per comments made by numerous people in his administration - none who are "lefitst" but rather still have their brains intact).
How young are you, or better yet how much boob tube are you watching? You probably believe the Russians hacked the election conspiracy theory too right? You probably sit there every night while political hacks throw at you the latest Trump is bad story. Up next trumps genitals are shaped like a mushroom! Or trump ate 2 scoops of ice cream when everyone ate 1, he must be a nazi!
You actually believe what the boob tube is telling you? In 2018? Are you trolling right now or are you just so unbelievably brainwashed? People like you should not be allowed to vote. A figurative sheep, or NPC