Numbers, all numbers
I am sure that all share prices will reflect actual sales for LP's. This Tilray BS is all about hype, 300$ to 130 OUCH!
I am long on Fire, over 5 years SL then Fire, making nice money. We are getting down to the wire on this company. With full buildout they have a goal of 50 000 kg or 50 000 000 G @ 5$ a G is 300 000 000$ in revenue. Full build is for December, full harvest around March 2019.
I will give 7 Acres the benefit of the doubt, with that amount of revenue they should be trading at a minimum of 10X revenue or 3 000 000 000, yes 3 billion $. The inverstor presentation shows that they will have around 300 000 000 shares out, that works out to 10$ a share next spring.
That is a conservative estimate, we might catch that elusive hype wave like Canopy had and to a point still has right now. that would grow the SP big time but I am not holding my breath.
Look at the numbers it's not rocket science, simple math.
By the way, anything written on Stockhouse is for your entertainment, we do not move the needle in any way. Loved BNN yesterday when they came out with the FACT that shorters lost 600 000 000$ since mid August.
Patience will be rewarded.