Advancement is being MadeYes, things are moving forward. What seems to be missed are the following:
- The greenhouse was only started in June and will be completed within the next 6 weeks. Other firms are not doing that well.
- The "team" has people with experience doing what needs to be done.
- The Company has a proven ability to raise capital and secure banking lines to pay for whatever needs to be done. (I have experience investing in mgmt teams with an inability to get their act together.)
- SugarBud has shown the ability to communicate to shareholders on a regular and timely basis, which helps sustain share value and investor confidence. It will help make the share price fly.
Overall, this is a great stock that will need until next summer to reach full value ($8-10 in my opinion). If other corporate goals are pursued, the share price could go much higher, but for now, reaching full production scale is the target. Another greenhouse(s) or merger/a
cquisition would darmatically change all valuations skyward.