RE:RE:RE:Important question....anyone?They most likely came from the sheer zones - sheer zones, like redeposits, have a significant amount of space between the material. To be honest, I am not sure exactly why they didn't find the vein sooner, but by looking at the map I have a number of theories. There are 4 veins, and the sheer zone on each range from about 200 metres down on an offset (Fletcher vein) to nearly a KM down on the East Alpha. Nothing is just straight down (note - the veins on the map are significantly scaled up for readability on a presentation - the real ones look more like the drill lines)
There is a certain depth when it is no longer feasible to mine the gold - if there wasn't the Earth's core has vast amounts of it and gold would cease being a rare commodity. I think anything deeper than 700m down, and even the hardiest human labour sweats out - meaning remote controlled machinery needs to take over - and that costs hundreds of millions.
This is why RNC was hoping to sell the mine before the find - they could't afford to work it based on the previous results.
But I also think, there is a good chance that more veins in this area are still undiscovered, just as likely they are not on RNC's claim
dodiligence99 wrote: Are you saying that those extraordinary holes drillied in 2016 were "redeposited" gold? Why didn't they lead to anything then? They were clearly off the charts as far as drill cores are concerned. Kirkland Lake has similar drill cores from Fosterville which led them to the entire "Swan Zone" come we didn't get more from those 2016 drill results? Thanks!