Viosimiri wrote: Good for you, it takes guts to say "stupid-mean" things and more guts to appologize for doing it.
Mr W is here on this board from when ICM was 0.04 dollars last year, at least at that time I joined ICM and he, like now, was the one talkign and explaining people everything about Li. I meet him on other boards and the same deal - in one week he posted the strongest DD's done on those companies - he does like that, and what I personally appreciate is that he has the patience to explain others.
He doesn't have anything to do with the push from last year and back down run - all that was on hype from some dudes - Moneyteam, Themoneyteam and their friends which ofcourse being smarter than us got their gains and left :), however from that time only good things happened with ICM, we find out a lot of goodies and we are abotuto find out way more so let's just be smart and patient.
If Mr W's notes are too long for you or anyone just put him on ignore, will not be his loss, but only yours because you can learn a lot from his notes, if you care.
breakaway71 wrote: I don’t want to see you hurt Wangotango67, I take some things I said back. You seem to be a decent human being and I applaude your DD. My deepest apologies.