Reminder to all cockroaches
today is a Green Day for canopy, you cockroaches need to get back under your rocks.
I am predicting a long extended hibernation process for you cockroaches starting today. We will have a solid steady climb up to legalization and First full quarter of Rec results. That puts you cockroaches underneath your rock for a good four months now. When financials come in and are reported to be spectacular like they are predicted to be it may end up being a permanent hibernation for you cockroaches.
if you have been long on canopy and have managed to hold on to all your shares through all the noise, you are about to be rewarded Way Beyond what you imagined. There is going to be a very long sustained rally in the share price of canopy now................... Congratulations!
R2D2,BlameOG, bonjour32( or whatever Alias you're using now),Lou(ser) and all the rest of you cockroaches, you had your fun over the last year but now the rubber is going to start hitting the road. There will be no more red days for you to come on here and scare . the Run we are just starting now is it going to be epic, Way Beyond any run canopy has had before. I stake my reputation on it. Adios cockroaches.