Wheelman and OutbackI've seen some blog dialogue and farmer comments regarding both Wheelman and Outback. Sounds like the initial feedback on Wheelman is very positive and there is a buzz in the air about the product. The key will be to see how quickly the market takes up the product, but generating a buzz now well ahead of the spring planting season is quite positive. What is also interresting is many mid sized/larger farms appear to also be interested in the product for secondary pieces of equipment. Time will tell if the company can produce the sales needed to generate the earnings we've been waiting for all these years (and I mean beyond the one time large contract order).
Sounds like Hemisphere GNSS plans to spend a lot on developing and marketing Outback products globally, a sort of reinvigoration of the brand. Running a global distribution arm requires a lot of resources but they are backed by a rather large Chinese corporation. I realize the headlines associted with the current trade wars but demand for agricultural goods will not abate (rather it'll be rerouted globally) and Outback is manufacturered in Mexico thus side stepping current tarriffs.
As an aside, anybody else getting dizzy from the huge whipsaw in the share price? Small cap investing is not for the faint of heart lol. A US listing would be great for certain to drum up both institutional and retail interest in the name.