FillingMyBoots Obviously you are an insider to have access to the new video, knowledge of quotes being issued and other hints, i.e. Lake Louise project, we’ve never heard of.
Since you are at liberty to this info, I, and other readers I am sure, would appreciate if you could fill us in on the following Q. As there is no info on the Company Web site.
Management consisting of in Canada HQ
Management consisting of in UK
No. Of employees in Canada
No. Of employees in UK
Info about new projects that are not mentioned on the company web site.
False Creek project
Wall Centre park (Boundary & Kingsway)
Lake Louise
Are there any other?
Status of projects that are mentioned but have not been updated on company web site.
California silicone valley project
DC Water’s headquarters
Border College UK launched in 2015
I trust, you can be helpful in answering these simple yet important info.