RE:RE:Q3 grade forecast??????? Realnews, I am most certainly not their accontant and I dont doubt for a minute that the intention is to buyout the streaming deal on DEc 31st. But Q2 results were excellent and it now does not appear that they will be repeated in Q3. Ever since the stream repurchase was announced. I had assumed that some more debt was going to be necessary. Equity dilution does not appear necessary . Cash increased by 86 million in H1, If my grade estimates are anywhere close, they are not going to have the 90 million plus that you correctly allude to. Also remember they need $25 million + for the mill expansion so I cant see running cash reserves down to zero at year end.
Site costs are not dropping....... increased development costs will continue into 2020 at least. At the present time , thtree new stopes are needed just to maintain todays production rates. And POG is not helping.